I made this blog to post my thoughts, beliefs, Poems, Articles and other write ups. Moreover, I Invite people here to share their frank opinion for me and help me to make myself better and better everyday. I hope when I shall be on my death bed this blog can surely help to recapture my whole life in single script. I will be very thankful to all the people whom I met and I wish everybody should loves me a lot. I dedicate this blog to everyone who cares for me. Thanks...!

- CA Amit Shah
- Vyara, Gujarat, India
- Hi Everyone...! Thanks to visit here. I am CA by profession and doing my Practice at Vyara, South GUjarat since 2013. I was born in Mehsana. I did my Schooling from Vyara and then moved to Ahmedabad for my further studies. There i completed my B.Com., CA and CS. Currently I am doing full time practice as a Chartered Accountants in the Firm Name "AMIT T SHAH & CO.". Thanks and Welcome Back...!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
WHO ARE THE BLOODY LOSER…? -A Story of Success.
Let me justify my statement. I believe that, “There is nothing like luck in this world.” I don’t know but in fact don’t want to know who had found the word ‘LUCK’. I can prove that there is nothing like luck in this world. “Sometimes you may get something which you had never expected but in fact you deserve for that, then you praise your luck but I call that tendency as a lack of confidence in you.” Persons who praise their luck are “The Bloody Looser…” Persons who have no self-confidence are “The Bloody Looser…” Persons having no pre planning are “The Bloody Looser…” Persons having no perfection in their work are “The Bloody Looser…” Persons having no vision & imaginations are “The Bloody Looser…” What I want to prove is that there is some importance of confidence, perfection, vision, mission, imagination, hard work and planning in our day – to – day life but there is no importance at all for luck in our life. The day on which you will praise your luck will be the end of your achievements and the day on which your achievements will comes to an end you will be termed as “The Bloody Looser…”
There is not only the luck which cause you to be termed as bloody looser but there are also other things, dependency on and thinking of which treat you as a Bloody Looser. “Every human beings have an internal strengths in it but amongst somebody has an external weaknesses caused them to be unable to discover it” If you stop running behind the success then you will never achieve the success. You should have to achieve the success not to be the happiest but to become the most satisfied person. What I want to say is that, “Keep running behind the success until your last breath. One day will come when you cross the success and it may be a tomorrow.”
There are also some persons who had achieved the success but failed to hold that & digest that. I call them “The Bloody Looser…” What you have to remember is that, “Keep going until you get your destiny and keep holding after you get your destiny.” Sometimes you may waste your time in finding external weaknesses. I call them “The Bloody Looser…” you have to remember that, “Don’t waste your time in finding external weaknesses, its now time to start exploring your internal strengths.” And mind well… if you do this then the success will be yours and only yours and no one will stop you from getting success.
There are some persons who realise that they had not utilized the time that had gone for ever and feel disappointment rather than encouraging and motivating themselves and keeping confidence. They hurt themselves for their luck and take the failure as negatively. They immediately start believing that they can’t do anything like others. These kinds of persons I call as “The Bloody Looser…” Always keep this golden sentence in your mind that, “The time that is going for every second is the golden time but unfortunately some people realise it after sometime.” So don’t let yourself to fall in to that category and be termed as “The Bloody Looser…” Start utilizing each second in doing something that helps you to have a great achievement in future. They are according to me “The Bloody Looser…” who seat ideally. Because I believe that, “Person sitting ideally is inviting a sickness” You must keep yourself as much busy as possible in some creative activity which help to achieve something rather then loosing everything.
Sometimes you make competition with those who are less capable than you or say equivalents to you. This kind of competition will not help you at all to reach at the top. The person who believes in this kind of competition is “The Bloody Looser…” So you have to keep it in mind that, “Never make competition with others but always let this matter on others to make competition with you.” Further... “You must believe in your strengths but also remember that never underestimate it of others” To be the successful and not to be termed as “The Bloody Looser…” you need to have a confidence & perfection in your life. “Confidence & Perfection are the keys of success which are occupied by very few. If you need to be success then you need to have these keys and I think that you better knew.” If you want to be the successful person ever in your life then “Your aim must be high even though to get it everyday you have to die.”
They are “The Bloody Looser…” who always try to find difficulties in the subject. Wise person try to solve those difficulties rather than wasting their precious time in finding difficulties in the subject. To have a success you need to have self motivation rather than hope for any blessings. “Never hopes for any bless. Always be self motivated and save your life from getting crash.” One more thing I want to tell is that, “If you want to achieve success in today’s competitive world then don’t wait for the opportunity but instead you have to create an opportunity.”
They are “The Bloody Looser…” who hope for any appreciations for their achievements & success and who get satisfied after getting a couple of success in their life. “Never hope for any appreciations and never be satisfied because satisfaction and appreciation will end-up your achievements. One more thing I want to tell for those Bloody Looser is that, “You need perfection before you start your work and you need confidence after you complete your work but there should be no space for the bloody luck at all in your work.” “Create opportunities, believe in your strengths, do hard works, keep confidence, give yourself one more gear and live your life without any fear.”
Now I will highlight some golden lines to be followed in your life to never be termed as “The Bloody Looser…” in your entire life forever and be the most satisfied & successful person in your life.
1. “It is wrong to say that the luckiest person is the happiest person in the world but the reality is that the happiest person is the luckiest person in the world.”
2. “Confidence will just encourage you to do the work but perfection will help you to complete your work. So keep confidence but believe in the perfection only.”
3. “The worst beliefs in the world is not, ‘Cat cross your way’, ‘Lying the shoes reverse’, ‘See an owe in the morning’, ‘TO deliver the salt by hand to hand delivery’, ‘To drink water before leaving for any work’, but… to depend on the bloody luck is the most worst beliefs in the world.”
4. “Sometimes you achieve something that you didn’t expect to have but in fact you deserve for that then you praise your luck that is what I call a lack of confidence in you.”
5. “Opportunity never wait for any person and the wise person never wait for the opportunity”
6. “Glory of life leys not in never falling but it leys in rising every time you fall.”
-Nelsen Mandela
7. “Life is like a big wall & one life is not enough to reach at the top even though you never fall.”
8. “Everything should be must but the study must be first because if you don’t be well educated then society may through you in a dust.”
9. “Set your targets everyday, try to achieve it on a next day, shortage in actual output is nothing but only a Loss – in – Profit.”
10. Always try to be strict with your own norms, never try to be so lazy to adopt it of other’s.”
11. “What I call over-confidence is when a pilot flies the plane without checking the fuel even once and what I call perfection is when a pilot checks the fuel two times before flying the plane.” I believe in perfection more than having an over-confidence because “Confidence makes your 50% work completed but over-confidence will makes your 100% work spoiled.” So keep confidence and never remains in over-confidence.
12. “Never think about yesterday but always think about the tomorrow, Never talk about the day before yesterday but always talk about the day after tomorrow, Never feel satisfaction for the past, Implement new fractions in the present and make your future secure – That should be the spirit of your nature.”
13. “Never Keep your hope on luck, Luck itself depends on the luck, Never say anyone ‘BEST OF LUCK’, they are the “The Bloody Looser…” who depends on luck.”
4th March, 2009.
(Amit T. Shah)
This Article is written by…,
Name : Amit Tejalkumar Shah.
Main Bazar, Opp. Police Gate,
Vyara - 394 650.
Dist. Tapi, Gujarat, (India).
Phone No. : (M) 98986 94423.
E-mail : amit478874@yahoo.co.in
How to Live the LIFE
If you can follow this formula, you can definately get a way to live a Happy & Successive life and I am sure that you will never be feel disappointment for your LIFE forever at the stage when your life will gettig towards the old age.
Thanks for your kind support to me......
My Golden Sentences
We know that but we ignore it.."
-16th June, 2008
2. "Set your target everuday.
Try to achieve it on a next day,
Shortage in actual output is Nothing..
But... Only a Loss in Profit."
-18th June, 2008
3. "Don't loose temper in critical situation
Try to hande that situation...
Keeping your mind CooL."
-19th June, 2008
4. "Every human beings have internal Strengths in it,
But... Amongst, Somebody has external Weaknesses,
Caused them to be unable to discover it."
-20th June, 2008
5. "On every new day..
you must feel a new Energy,
to achieve a new Target."
-21st June, 2008
6. "Perfection should be the part of your
Day - to - Day life."
- 22nd June, 2008
7. "Keep running untill you get your Destiny,
And... Keep holding after getting your Destiny."
-1st July, 2008
This is about FRIENDS.
"Never try to turn your life, But always try to find turning points in your life, Friends are like turning points and so they will come in your life, So don't miss them but try your best to catch them & save them in the memory of your heart"
Have a good time with your FRIENDS!!!
सपने में बनानी चाही हमारी एक कहानी,(१)
दीवाना तो था मै उसका, मगर
धुंड रहा था मेरी कोई दीवानी,(२)
लेकिन... बहुत अफ़सोस हुआ, क्योंकी
रात बीत गई और साथ ही बीत गई हमारी जवानी,
लेकिन फिर भी न बन पाई हमारी कोई कहानी,(३)
लेकिन जल्द ही मेरी खोई ख़ुशी वापस आ गई,
क्योकी... सुबह जब आँखे खोली तो,
सामने ही मैंने 'पडोसन' को पाई" (४)
-Amit Shah (M.A.S.)
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