I made this blog to post my thoughts, beliefs, Poems, Articles and other write ups. Moreover, I Invite people here to share their frank opinion for me and help me to make myself better and better everyday. I hope when I shall be on my death bed this blog can surely help to recapture my whole life in single script. I will be very thankful to all the people whom I met and I wish everybody should loves me a lot. I dedicate this blog to everyone who cares for me. Thanks...!

- CA Amit Shah
- Vyara, Gujarat, India
- Hi Everyone...! Thanks to visit here. I am CA by profession and doing my Practice at Vyara, South GUjarat since 2013. I was born in Mehsana. I did my Schooling from Vyara and then moved to Ahmedabad for my further studies. There i completed my B.Com., CA and CS. Currently I am doing full time practice as a Chartered Accountants in the Firm Name "AMIT T SHAH & CO.". Thanks and Welcome Back...!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Its been very hard days out for me since last week. There is a heavy work load I am suffering from since then. It seems to be very tiring days for me in whole September. The field I am in require all your efforts in that month. It called a September Ending in our profession.
September ending is what we call a last month to complete all the Reports and Income Tax filing for all the Ltd. & Pvt. Ltd. Companies for the financial year 2009-10. There is a heavy work load with all the people engaged in this profession. But even though I am so happy rather than Lucky, that I find some times to update my blogs.
Further, I am glad to share one good news with all my friends that I had got completed my Internship/articleship training on 25th June 2010 for which I have been in receipt of the certificate from the Institute last week. I am very thankful to my principal Mr. Milin J. jani and all the staff members out there. It has been an excellent experience to work with him and all my staff members (Past & Present). I am specially thankful to my Sie, Mr. Milin J. Jani for giving me a huge support and imparting me a wonderful experience of practical training. I hope that whatever I have learned from him will definitely help me in future for my career.
I am so happy that during my articleship training I have learned lots of thing which will help me in practical life. Along with that I was also able to concentrate on my studies and the ultimate result is that I had completed my B.Com.,Inter CA as well as Inter CS. Now only final examinations are pending for me which I am suppose to give in May 2011. And after that I will enter the real corporate world.
In future I am planning to join a big corporate group in Delhi or Mumbai wherever I will deem fit for me. But it will be only for maximum of 2-3 years and after that I shall be looking forward to start my own practice. I would like to make my career in Finance & Taxation.
I will always be ready to help all my friends in whatever ways I can. You all are invited to consult me at any time for your any queries regarding Finance, Taxation and Audit. I am looking forward to help you all and not only the person I know but those who read this blog can also contact me any time.
You all are MOST WELCOME....
Thank you...
With LOL (Lots Of Love),
Amt T. Shah (M.A.S.)
How to Live the LIFE
If you can follow this formula, you can definately get a way to live a Happy & Successive life and I am sure that you will never be feel disappointment for your LIFE forever at the stage when your life will gettig towards the old age.
Thanks for your kind support to me......
My Golden Sentences
We know that but we ignore it.."
-16th June, 2008
2. "Set your target everuday.
Try to achieve it on a next day,
Shortage in actual output is Nothing..
But... Only a Loss in Profit."
-18th June, 2008
3. "Don't loose temper in critical situation
Try to hande that situation...
Keeping your mind CooL."
-19th June, 2008
4. "Every human beings have internal Strengths in it,
But... Amongst, Somebody has external Weaknesses,
Caused them to be unable to discover it."
-20th June, 2008
5. "On every new day..
you must feel a new Energy,
to achieve a new Target."
-21st June, 2008
6. "Perfection should be the part of your
Day - to - Day life."
- 22nd June, 2008
7. "Keep running untill you get your Destiny,
And... Keep holding after getting your Destiny."
-1st July, 2008
This is about FRIENDS.
"Never try to turn your life, But always try to find turning points in your life, Friends are like turning points and so they will come in your life, So don't miss them but try your best to catch them & save them in the memory of your heart"
Have a good time with your FRIENDS!!!
सपने में बनानी चाही हमारी एक कहानी,(१)
दीवाना तो था मै उसका, मगर
धुंड रहा था मेरी कोई दीवानी,(२)
लेकिन... बहुत अफ़सोस हुआ, क्योंकी
रात बीत गई और साथ ही बीत गई हमारी जवानी,
लेकिन फिर भी न बन पाई हमारी कोई कहानी,(३)
लेकिन जल्द ही मेरी खोई ख़ुशी वापस आ गई,
क्योकी... सुबह जब आँखे खोली तो,
सामने ही मैंने 'पडोसन' को पाई" (४)
-Amit Shah (M.A.S.)
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