People are living here in this world for last thousands of decades. But we never had tried to know why we are living in this world. The Scientists had find out the answers to so many unsolved questions about the life of Humans but they never had been succeed in finding the answer to the question – “Why We Born…?” I am in search of the answer to this question for last so many years and even I had not come to any final conclusion till date.
I had ask this question to so many people like my Family members, Friends, Relatives and all such person around me in touch. I had got different answers from different people in support of my question. There are also some people who had advised me not to waste my time in finding the answer to my foolish question. Some one had tagged my question as childish question and some wise people had also told me “even the scientists had failed to find the answer to this question then why you are wasting your time in this matter.” But there are also some supportive people I found amongst them. I would like to present their views here before presenting my view on that. I had analysed these views and reached to the appropriate but not to the final conclusions.
Now I am presenting to you few replies from different persons to my tricky question, “Why We Born…?” I had received so many answers from different people most of which are completely foolish as far as my view is concerned. So be ready to read those views. I will not mention their names here for any miss-understandings.
1. One person had told me that, “We born to achieve the great success in our life.” He had given me reason in support of his view like this – “We have been given very small life by the God. In that short span of time the society has so many expectations from us. That’s why we should have to try our best to achieve the great success all around. Because afterwards when we will stand in the last stage of our life we should not be disappointed that we have not live our life with having a success like others.”
2. Now I will tell you the view of another person. He had told me that, “We born to expand our family.” He give me a reason in support of his view that – “If we not born then how our family will expand?” He believes that the purpose for which We born is only to expand our family. I want to clarify here that his thinking is to expand the heredity and so I think he may be the Social person. But I completely disagree with his view.
3. I want to present yet another view here which is quite acceptable because it relates to spirituality. But again I don’t agree with this view. The view was like that –“The god had given us the life so that we have a chance to wash all our sin and make our life so clear that we will get a chance to stay in heaven forever.” In their view they had given me some reasons that – “The life of human is the last life that we got to wash all our sin by praying the God for whole of our life. So our only aim should be to pry God as much as we can in our life. If we can’t do this then we will have to again take a birth in this ‘kaliyug’ and again we have to wait for a long to get a chance to goes to Heaven. Again we have to pass through all the difficulties of life. And again we will have to suffer a lot. That is why we should have to pray to God as much as we can to get the happy ending to our life.”
Thus I had obtained the different views from different people but I had presented here in detail only few selected views which I think most of the people may agree with. I further want to specify the other views in short. One person had told me that, “We born to live our life with having all the fun & glory of our life.” Another view is that, “We born to have merry and expand our heredity further.” Yet another view is that, “We born to make happy our Family, Friends, and Relatives & Society as a whole.” One view is that, “We born to live our life so peacefully & nicely that after we die the society will not have any chance to speak anything bad about us.” The last view is that, “We born to enjoy our life in such a way that we should not be disappointed later on that we had not enjoyed our life.” The person giving that view was so fluent about his view. His view was completely different from others & quite interesting also. He further told that, “No need to pray to God because there is nothing like God in this world. There is nothing like failure & success, there is nothing like good & bad, there is nothing like relation & society, there is nothing like win & beat. We have born because we are lucky.” He further told that, “If god is there then he also want us to live our life as we can and if he doesn’t then why he had given a chance to born to the person like me.”
I will now express my view in support of the question – “Why We Born…?” I am not agreeing with any views presented above. Now you may ask a question that “What I am thinking?” So let me present my views.
I think that We born not to make our life happy, not to be a success, not to extend further our family, not to wash out all our sin, not to enjoy the life, not to marry only, not to study as much as we can, not to earn money, not to eat only, not to live in a prosperous family, not to pray to god. Then “Why We Born…?” We have born to become the most satisfied person in the world, to be the most respectable person in the society, to become the spiritual person ever in our life, so that we may not feel any guilty when we stand in the final stage of our life. Now again you may ask a question that “What we have to do for that?” So listen…“what we have to do is to help the poor people as much as we can, to rub out the corruption from the society, to live our life so peacefully that no one will have any blame on us. We have to make balance between all the people whether he is poor or rich, adult or child, male or female, clever or duffer but for that I think that we have to help the needy and poor people as much as we can in our life." The god doesn’t want that we pray him for our entire life, spent a lots of money in building a big temple for him etc. Rather than spending the big amount of money on building big temples we should have to use that amount in helping the needy people. By doing this we will succeed in establishing the balance between all the people. And if we succeed in making this then mind well, we will achieve what we have never achieved ever in the past. By doing this we will become the most satisfied person in the world & the God would also become the happiest ever on us. I just want to remind you the words of our National Father, Gandhiji. He had told that, “If you will not remember me then it’s ok but just remember my morals, if you will not make my photo frame and hang it in your room then it’s ok just keep the frame of my morals in your heart, if you will not make my statue just use the amount equal to making those statues in helping the poors by giving them food” That is what the god is expecting from us.
So I hope now you got understand that “Why We Born…?” I hope that you will follow these rules in your life and be the most satisfied person in the world…!
Thank you very much for your kind support to me. Have a Successful life & Great Achievements in your life…!
(Amit T. Shah)
This Article is written by…,
Name : Amit Tejalkumar Shah.
Main Bazar, Opp. Police Gate,
Vyara - 394 650.
Dist. Tapi, Gujarat, (India).
Phone No. : (M) +91-98986 94423.