I made this blog to post my thoughts, beliefs, Poems, Articles and other write ups. Moreover, I Invite people here to share their frank opinion for me and help me to make myself better and better everyday. I hope when I shall be on my death bed this blog can surely help to recapture my whole life in single script. I will be very thankful to all the people whom I met and I wish everybody should loves me a lot. I dedicate this blog to everyone who cares for me. Thanks...!

- CA Amit Shah
- Vyara, Gujarat, India
- Hi Everyone...! Thanks to visit here. I am CA by profession and doing my Practice at Vyara, South GUjarat since 2013. I was born in Mehsana. I did my Schooling from Vyara and then moved to Ahmedabad for my further studies. There i completed my B.Com., CA and CS. Currently I am doing full time practice as a Chartered Accountants in the Firm Name "AMIT T SHAH & CO.". Thanks and Welcome Back...!
Monday, July 18, 2011
अब नहीं…
अब तो हर इंसान देश का यही आवाज़ दे रहा है , “अब नहीं…”
(यह सिर्फ मेरी ओर से एक तीखी प्रतिक्रिया है और कुछ नहीं. इस रचना से मै यह बिलकुल जाताना नहीं चाहता हु कि हम हथियार अपने हाथों में उठा ले.)
जय हिंद…!
अब नहीं चाहिए मरहम हमें…
और नहीं चाहिए कोई गम…
आतंकवाद से बचा लो बस,
अब तो यही चाहते है हम…!
अब नहीं बनना है दर्दी हमें…
और नहीं चाहिए झूठी हमदर्दी…
पुलिसवालों से मेरी शिकायत है,
अगर आतंकवाद को रोक नहीं पा रहे हो आप
तो फिर उतार दो यह वर्दी…!
अब नहीं सहेंगे हम…
अब नहीं कहेंगे हम…
अभी भी वक़्त है ,सुधर जाओ नेता लोग
वरना चमड़ी उखेडके रखदेंगे हम…!
अब नहीं रुकेंगे हम…
अब तो उनको रोकेंगे हम…
अगर भ्रस्टाचार की आग किसीने दोबारा लगाई,
तो उसी आग में उसे जलाएंगे हम…!
नेता, तुमने बहुत भौंक लिया,
लेकिन अब काटेंगे हम…
अगली बार हम पर आंच भी आई,
तो लेकर हथियार हाथो में बारी बारी
एक एक कर सब को ठोकेंगे हम…!
नहीं रुकने का जझ्बा हमारा,
हमारे लिए ही अब बन गया है सबक…
लेकिन अब हमें रुकना होगा,
और सिखाना होगा अब उन्हें सबक…!
अब नहीं चाहिए मरहम हमें…
और नहीं चाहिए कोई गम…
आतंकवाद से बचा लो बस,
अब तो यही चाहते है हम…!
Jay Hind…!
-Amit T. Shah (M.A.S.)
18th July 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
मै पूछता हुं, आखिर कब तक…?
मै पूछता हुं, आखिर कब तक….
कब तक यह सब चलता रहेंगा…?
कब तक आतंकवाद की आग में
यूं ही पूरा देश जलता रहेंगा…?
कब तक देश का हर नेता सरे आम
यूं ही इन गुंडों के बाज़ार में बिकता रहेंगा…?
कब तक एक आम आदमी
यूं ही डरता रहेंगा…?
कब तक एक बेकसूर इंसान
यूं ही मरता रहेंगा…?
कब तक ए. राजा, कलमाड़ी जैसे देश द्रोही
और कसाब जेसा देश का दुश्मन
यूं ही सलाखों के पीछे सड़ता रहेगा…?
मै पूछता हुं, आखिर कब तक….
कब तक यह सब चलता रहेंगा…?
-जय हिंद…! वन्देमातरम…!
-अमित टी. शाह
14th July 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
मै कल भी चलता था, और आज भी चलता हुं…!
मै कल भी चलता था, और आज भी चलता हुं…!
कंधो से कंधे मिलाते हुए चलता हुं…
कदमो से कदम मिलाते हुए चलता हुं…
किसी की नज़र न लग जाए हमारी दोस्ती को,
इसीलिए गले में नींबू लटकाए हुए चलता हुं…!
थोडा हसते हुए चलता हुं…
थोडा हसाते हुए चलता हुं…
कोई हमें पराया न समझे,
इसीलिए सब को अपना बनाते हुए चलता हुं…!
कभी कुछ गुनगुनाते हुए चलता हुं…
कभी कुछ सुनाते हुए चलता हुं…
किसी को ये न लगे की मै रो रहा हुं,
इसीलिए शोर मचाते हुए चलता हुं…!
कभी अकेला ही रात के गहेरे सन्नाटे से
गुज़रते हुए चलता हुं…
कभी दिन भर भीड़ में किसी न किसीसे
टकराते हुए चलता हुं…
कोई देख न ले हमारी आँखों से गिरते हुए आँसूओं को,
इसीलिए इन दिनों बारिश में भीगते हुए चलता हुं…!
कभी अपने आप से झगड़ते हुए चलता हुं…
कभी अपने आप को डांटते हुए चलता हुं…
कोई हमें नफ़रत का तौफ़ा न दे,
इसीलिए सब से प्यार बाँटते हुए चलता हुं…!
कभी लड़खड़ाते हुए चलता हुं…
कभी गिरते हुए चलता हुं…
किसी “इंसान” का सहारा न बन सका,
इसीलिए बैसाखी को सहारा देते हुए चलता हुं…!
मै कल भी चलता था, और आज भी चलता हुं…!
-Amit T. Shah (M.A.S.)
13th July 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
The pyre of Aditya Sahay was being burned by Raja Sharma. Then he went back & stand with Jiya Mehra and give her a deep hug. There's also standing around Aditya's parents (Mr. Arun Sahay & Mrs. Deepa Sahay), Parents of Jiya (Mr. Prakash Mehra & Mrs. Jyoti Mehra), Dr. sudip Talpade, Mr. Amit Shah (Lawyer by profession) & many more. All eyes are crying. Raja is Aditya's very close friend. All are watching towards the pyre and one by one they disappears in to the past memories they have shared with Aditya. Then the it went in to the Flash Back.
(Now one by one Raja, Deepa, Arun and Jiya disappears in to the past memories they have shared with Aditya.)
First of all Raja gets remembering some emotional moments shared with Aditya.
(Like hugging, Smiling moments, Some Fights & Misunderstandings etc.)
Then Adtitya's Mother remembering the sentence Aditya told to her when he was supposed to go away to Mumbai for doing an MBA.
Aditya: Oh..mom...! It's just a matter of 2 or 3 years, then after I will came back to home.
Deepa: Okay..! But.....(Didn't spoke further & started crying...)
She give a deep hug to Aditya and speak further, "I Love you, my son... and I proud of you...!"
Now its turn to Aditya's father. He get remembering the following interaction.
Arun: Look Aditya, I don't want to let you go to Mumbai or anywhere else.
Aditya: But papa, It's my dream. I can't...
(He has been stopped in between by his dad)
Arun: Stop...! (Got some angry) I don't want to listen any excuses. It's my final decision. You are not going to Mumbai.
(Aditya was silent & sad. He gots disappointed on hearing and watching his dad get angry on him. His dad, Arun look at his face & understood his feelings and so he immediately get calm down)
Arun: Look Aditya, look at me....!
(Aditya did't look at him and goes and seat on the sofa near by him. Then Arun goes to him and seat down on on his knees and keep his hands on Aditya's shoulders and started talking to him lovingly)
Arun: You know, how much we love you..? You don't...! Your mom loves you so much Aditya. She will never afford to live without you for such a long time. After all you are the only son of us. There are many nice colleges in Bangalore too for MBA. Why don't you join any one of them...?
(Aditya also stopped crying and answered his dad politely)
Aditya: Yeah dad...! You are right. But It was my dream that I do MBA from IIM Mumbai. After all it is just a matter of 2 or 3 years. Don't you wish that your son studied from one of the great Institutes of India. Many students have dream of studying from that Institutes and I had got this opportunity. How can I let it go without grabbing?
(Arun inspired by his ambitions and allowed him to go.)
Arun: Okay...I will let you go there. But...
Aditya: (Surprisingly) But...What dad..?
Arun: But only on one condition.
Aditya: (Surprisingly) Which one dad...?
Arun: You promise me & your mom that you'll study very well just like you did till today and delegate all your efforts amd also promise me that you'll get back to home after completing your studied and then never leave us again.
(Aditya become very happy and started jumping and hug his dad)
Aditya: Thank you very much papa. You are a great father in the world. I promise...!! Thanks a lot.
Now Jiya is focused & she also reminded with following interaction.
Aditya: Will you marry me...?
Jiya: If you promise me...!
Aditya: Promise...!!
Jiya: Just tell me yes or no..?
Aditya: yes, off-course...!
Jiya: Then promise me that you will never leave me alone.
Aditya: Oh..dear..! (with smiling face) It's not a promise, it's my pleasure. I love you...!
Jiya: I love you too...!
(They hug so deeply and then Jiya immediately gives a light kiss on Aditya's leaps and run away.
(The pyre is now alone focused in to a bigger size slowly from far to near and then the real story begins from Flash Back)
(It's a 6 o'clock in the morning. The place is Aditya's bedroom. As usual he wake very early in the morning. Today is a special day for Aditya as he is supposed to get his result of entrance test that he had given for getting admission at The Indian Institute of Management (IIM). He was very keen to select IIM, Mumbai if he succeed. So very soon he get ready and prayed to god for the best result.)
Aditya: (Closing his eyes & praying) My lord, My only wish to you that I get a good percentile to be able to get admission in my dream institution. Just a one and the last wish god. I will not beg for any after this.
(Then Aditya opens his eyes and stand up.)
How to Live the LIFE
If you can follow this formula, you can definately get a way to live a Happy & Successive life and I am sure that you will never be feel disappointment for your LIFE forever at the stage when your life will gettig towards the old age.
Thanks for your kind support to me......
My Golden Sentences
We know that but we ignore it.."
-16th June, 2008
2. "Set your target everuday.
Try to achieve it on a next day,
Shortage in actual output is Nothing..
But... Only a Loss in Profit."
-18th June, 2008
3. "Don't loose temper in critical situation
Try to hande that situation...
Keeping your mind CooL."
-19th June, 2008
4. "Every human beings have internal Strengths in it,
But... Amongst, Somebody has external Weaknesses,
Caused them to be unable to discover it."
-20th June, 2008
5. "On every new day..
you must feel a new Energy,
to achieve a new Target."
-21st June, 2008
6. "Perfection should be the part of your
Day - to - Day life."
- 22nd June, 2008
7. "Keep running untill you get your Destiny,
And... Keep holding after getting your Destiny."
-1st July, 2008
This is about FRIENDS.
"Never try to turn your life, But always try to find turning points in your life, Friends are like turning points and so they will come in your life, So don't miss them but try your best to catch them & save them in the memory of your heart"
Have a good time with your FRIENDS!!!
सपने में बनानी चाही हमारी एक कहानी,(१)
दीवाना तो था मै उसका, मगर
धुंड रहा था मेरी कोई दीवानी,(२)
लेकिन... बहुत अफ़सोस हुआ, क्योंकी
रात बीत गई और साथ ही बीत गई हमारी जवानी,
लेकिन फिर भी न बन पाई हमारी कोई कहानी,(३)
लेकिन जल्द ही मेरी खोई ख़ुशी वापस आ गई,
क्योकी... सुबह जब आँखे खोली तो,
सामने ही मैंने 'पडोसन' को पाई" (४)
-Amit Shah (M.A.S.)